Can Pleurisy Spread From One Lung To The Other Can Pleurisy Spread Throughout The Body?

Can pleurisy spread throughout the body? - can pleurisy spread from one lung to the other

Last Wednesday I had a sharp pain on the left side with each breath. I thought my spleen was of the highest quality, a kind of side effect of the monkey, who had a year ago. It was so bad that I went out and working in the emergency room. He was diagnosed with pleurisy. I was told that if they do not get sick at the time, at last, probably has a virus. He prescribed painkillers and the next night, last Thursday I had a cough, nasal congestion / runny nose, I still have. My left lung does not seem to me much trouble Tho, and I stopped), analgesics (600 mg Motrin and Percocet. But today and yesterday, what disturbs me very ill, and today my right lung has started badly too. IsMay have spread to both lungs? If so, what should I do? Back at the hospital, or just see if it improves with yourself? If I do, the effects are not potentially dangerous?


Anonymous said...

some must antbiotics devloper pneumonia befor

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