Arthritis Hand Condition_symptoms Exercises For A Pinched Nerve In Hand Or Arthritis?

Exercises for a pinched nerve in hand or arthritis? - arthritis hand condition_symptoms

Last Friday I was walking, shaking hands, back and forth while walking. Approximately 10 minutes from my trip, I felt my right arm to be difficult. I tried to swing his arms more to get rid of him. After about 3-5 minutes, the weight is gone. I walked for about min 30th
When I returned, I was about 30 minutes to crack peanut kernels by hand.

A few hours later I felt a pain in the thumb (palm side). The pain felt like I had just before the seizure. When I woke the next morning, the thumb was very painful. Electric shock sensations. I could not understand something or make a fist. I have the onset of arthritis in my hands, my doctor told me. I am 48 years old woman. My neighbor says it's just arthritis, but I think he looks more like a nerve.

I made a doc appointment to the sea, but it kills me. I have the ice, but that only alleviates the time to hold the ice.
Someone knows some hand exercises can I do?


HK3738 said...

I suggest you simply continue with ibuprofen or Tylenol if your doctor ever told not to take it. Continue until you visit the doctor, without trauma, sudden noises against the idea of a nerve to visit a doctor sooner if symptoms persist or get worse, good luck

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