Gas Viral Could These Be Viral Symptoms?

Could these be viral symptoms? - gas viral

Approx. 5 weeks, I had digestive problems (very Gasy, rumbling stomach, heartburn, stomach pain awakened very uncomfterble) and lasted about a week. Whenever I ate I still an empty feeling in my stomach would have. As a gas, a feeling that I feel empty, I suppose. And then when I woke up every morning, I have this feeling of emptiness or gasy stomach, almost as if I burp too bad, but I do not. It took about a week. So, now that I feel the rumbling of an empty stomach occasionally, but not so serious. I think the indigestion is caused by my poor diet. (junk food). But more and during the week I get this feeling of emptiness to eat again, even after a meal. And today, I've dreamed of and even in my dream was horrible feeling that I had to burp really bad, but just do not. His worst Ferling. But the night before I drank like 5 sprites and 2 coke at the Christmas party for my mother had her team of search and rescue operations. Could be. And the rest of the yoday although I was a little sick and a little tiredND eat, even after I felt a little hungry again. Can anyone tell me what is the problem?


Anonymous said...

Try some gas pills. In the counter. See if you can help.

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